ISBN: 9781408314807
Publisher: Orchard Books
Paperback with gatefold cover
Published: 2005
300 x 250mm / 32pp
Beware of
The Storybook Wolves
– with Herb,
the Boy Whose Book Came to Life.
For a real thrill try reading beware of the storybook wolves. It will scare your socks off… and tell you exactly what to do if the wolves ever escape from your storybook!
Lauren says: One day I was sitting at my desk trying to think of a new idea for a picture book. I needed to come up with something very quickly because, for one thing, I had signed a contract saying I would and, for another, I was very broke. While I was thinking, I remembered opening a letter which said something like… Dear Lauren, My son Charlie really likes your book,
‘I Want A Pet’ but at bedtime he always insists that I take it out of his room. When I asked him why he said, ‘Because I am worried that the Lion will get off the cover in the middle of the night and eat me up’. And there was my story.
ISBN: 9781408307724
Publisher: Orchard Books
Paperback with gatefold cover
and 4pp gatefold foldout
Published: 2002
300 x 250mm / 36pp
Who’s Afraid of
The Big Bad Book?
– with Herb,
the Boy Who Fell Into A Book.
Now if you were going to fall into a book, a book of fairy tales would probably not be your first choice. Because in every story there is always a wicked this, an evil that or a hungry somebody. It could only happen to Herb, child star of that thrilling tale, Beware of the Storybook Wolves. Brought to you by Kate Greenaway Medal Winner, Lauren Child. Lauren Child gives us another totally unique and wonderful story. One minute you’ll be laughing your socks off, the next you’ll be hiding behind the sofa. Open it if you dare!
Lauren says: Herb, the small boy featured in this story, is unlucky with his bedtime books. In the first story I wrote about him, Beware of the Storybook Wolves, Herb wakes up to find two wolves have escaped the pages and are poised to gobble him up. Soon after I had finished writing that story, I started to wonder what would happen if Herb actually fell into a book, and not just any book but a book of fairytales. Fairytales are full of the most unpleasant sort of characters, but what might make them even less agreeable is if someone had scribbled moustaches on their faces, and torn out pages and stuck them back in – upside down. How furious would they be then? I left it for Herb to find out.
‘Lauren Child has put imagination and fun
back into the real worlds of childhood’
– Julia Eccleshare, Guardian