ISBN: 9781408307915 Publisher: Orchard Books Paperback with gatefold cover First published: 1999 This edition: 2019 275 x 250mm / 32pp

ISBN: 9781408307915
Publisher: Orchard Books
Paperback with gatefold cover
First published: 1999
This edition: 2019
275 x 250mm / 32pp


Clarice Bean
What Planet Are You From?

Trees are important because they are stopping the earth running out of air. If we didn’t have trees we would all live in bubbles like space men. Trees are like gynormous vacuum cleaners sucking up the pollution.  

Lauren says: One morning when I was meant to be writing,
I switched on the television. I told myself I would only watch one show and then I would work but I didn’t of course. I started watching the next programme even though it was a show for schools. It was all about the universe and how big all the planets are compared to earth, and I remember the narrator saying,
if the sun was a beach ball then Pluto would be a peppercorn.

I thought Clarice Bean would explain things in this way, and then I started thinking about the kind of things she would be interested in.

I thought about the environment and global warming because those are things she might worry about, lots of children do. And then I thought about the little things someone like Clarice bean could do to make a difference – things like not dropping litter, recycling, turning the tap off when brushing teeth…turning the television off even. Little things that can make a big difference.


If you have an older brother who grunts a lot or a sister who keeps telling you to go away, then they might be keenish on the utterly entertaining Clarice Bean novels. There is something for everyone, buster.